
Amy Thinks Deep

philosophy for the curious soul 

Blog posts : "mind"

Praying with Heart versus Praying with Mind

One day last week, I was walking down my driveway in an emotional state of being. I was contemplating and chewing on something meaningful which I was perplexed about. What did I do? I decided to pray.

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Eternity vs. Forever vs. Infinity

Most people conceive of forever as being synonymous with infinity and I won't argue. However, eternity and infinity are little more separated in definition and doesn't quite exude the same depth of a …

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Consciousness, Subconsciousness, and Superconsciousness: Their Interplaying Roles

Science tells us that we have three parts to ourselves: consciousness, subconsciousness, and superconsciousness. Likewise, we are aware of mental, emotional, and spiritual qualities that make up a per…

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The Art of Listening in Silence

When I was younger, my mother practiced what we called "quiet time." This was a time for the noise of electronics to dissipate, for us to stay quietly in our rooms, to find our own quiet space inside.…

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The Importance of Intuition for Healing

Most spiritually healthy people are able to figure out for themselves what needs to be done for their psychological, emotional, and physical health.  It is within that the intuition has a voice. One c…

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