
Amy Thinks Deep

philosophy for the curious soul 


Soul Connections Blog

When Something Calls Your Soul

Many who read this blog will be curious about what lies beyond a threshold we call the unknown.

Many who read this blog will also feel the call to something they cannot pinpoint - an unconscious long…

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The Spaceseed: Finding Home Where There Is None

Have you ever felt the call that you were here for a purpose? Do you feel it is greater than you yourself can handle? Do you feel there is a mission team alongside you - a familiar bunch that came wit…

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5D Icebreaker: Why 'Know Thyself' is Paramount

Are you craving a deeper connection with others but aren't sure how to find it? Have you wondered how to connect better with friends or family? We often see the struggle as connecting with others to b…

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The Soul Prism and Existence Fractal: Part 2

Last week, I posted a blog, but only building the premise for the main idea that I wanted to present. With it already being lengthy and going into a good bit of depth, I ended up splitting the idea in…

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The Soul Prism and Existence Fractal: Part 1

Let's talk about the layers of the Soul and the how each soul is the manifested expression of the Source. For the last year, I have been studying a complex organism called the Self and how it is l…

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Guides Are With Us

Sometimes, recognizing our guides in our lives can be challenging. So I want to dedicate this particular blog post to revealing some of the subtle ways they work "behind the scenes" in our lives. In s…

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Imagery and Imagination in Etheric vs. Astral Projections

Spiritual explorers may be familiar with the concept and activity of astral projection, as it is an incidental practice that holds much mystery of control. Astral projection experiences tend to happen…

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Merpeople: Beings from Other Worlds

Merfolk have captured the curiosity of many human wanderers for many centuries. Our connections to mermaids are strongly rooted in feminine energies that allow intuitive abilities to flow freely. Thos…

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