Why do we choose to reincarnate into life after life after life? How do we end this continual cycle and move forward in our spiritual development? This mind-catching question stumps and interests me a…
Blog posts : "Spirituality"
How Talking to God is Different than Thinking
Talking to God is a sacred and intimate experience. Many may find it as an intimidating process of something to be fearful and may elect to stay in the comfort zone of imagination. Imagination is like…
Eternity vs. Forever vs. Infinity
Most people conceive of forever as being synonymous with infinity and I won't argue. However, eternity and infinity are little more separated in definition and doesn't quite exude the same depth of a …
Consciousness, Subconsciousness, and Superconsciousness: Their Interplaying Roles
Science tells us that we have three parts to ourselves: consciousness, subconsciousness, and superconsciousness. Likewise, we are aware of mental, emotional, and spiritual qualities that make up a per…
The Purpose and Life of the Heart
Have you ever heard any of these three facts?
1. The leading cause of death is due to heart malfunctions/diseases.
2. The most common regret among the elderly and dying is that they didn't l…
The Temporary Image of God as a Male Authority Figure
Do you ever wonder how God became a male authority figure? In the Bible, and even into today’s religious teachings, God is usually revered as a male figure. Up until recently, this was never questione…
Oxytocin in Connection with God
Oxytocin is a neurochemical hormone that is released for purposes for bonding. Examples include pair/couple bonding, giving birth, touch (in some cases), and other opportunities associ…
Spiritual Binging
Binging is not a new concept for counselors or those who struggle with consuming hours with one compulsive behavior. Binging is when a person eats excessively for a time that amounts t…
Prayer As Becoming Known
Inspired by Abraham Heschel’s “The Sigh”, I decided to journey and rediscover the psychological and spiritual meaning, essence, and purpose of prayer. From a modern western view of prayer at least, it…
Psychology in Relation to Existential Spirituality
That is what interests me – the development of spiritual life through a psychological lens. What is healthy and what is unhealthy for the virgin spirit? This is the onset pioneering of the idea of psy…