Welcome to Amy's Deep Thoughts!
If you enjoy deeper thoughts pertaining to spirituality, psychology, and/or physics, stick around and browse. There's a blog if you like to read and a page to interact with Amy as you challenge her brain to Think Deep! Also, don't forget to subscribe for the latest deep reads.
My blog, Amy Thinks Deep, contains original, mind-catching content that will boost your awareness of spirituality. If you're wanting to go deeper in your spiritual journey, definitely check out the Think Deep Essays. I am a philosopher of spiritual thought.
Also, I am a life-long learner. If you want to read what I have been learning, check out the As I Learn Blog.
To meditate deeper, subscribe on YouTube.
All Amy Thinks Deep content is the work of Amy Hunt. Read about Amy here.
Recent Blogs and Essays
- When Something Calls Your Soul
- The Spaceseed: Finding Home Where There Is None
- 5D Icebreaker: Why 'Know Thyself' is Paramount
- The Soul Prism and Existence Fractal: Part 2
- The Soul Prism and Existence Fractal: Part 1
- Guides Are With Us
- Imagery and Imagination in Etheric vs. Astral Projections
- Merpeople: Beings from Other Worlds
- Praying with Heart versus Praying with Mind
- Mitigating the Karmic Cycle
Beckoned by unsatisfied curiosity about matters pertaining to spiritual life, Amy Hunt set out on a journey to answer questions she didn't even realize she had. As mystery compelled the search, what religion couldn't answer, spiritual searching did. Designed uniquely with a Q&A Appendix, Spirituality Matters deeply examines the common questions spiritual seekers ask. What happens after death? Does it matter? Likewise, similar questions are addressed in a hearty, deep analysis, assisting seekers in life's persistent, meaningful, and soulful search.
- Which religion is true? Do such beliefs matter?
- Who am I?
- What is Love?
- How does ego relate to spiritual life?
- What is the purpose of life?
While answers to these questions are important, the journey towards answering them is the real matter. Ultimately and continuously stretching the mindset past its limits, the soul yearns to know Truth - to know it in such a way as to live it. Including personal stories as well as philosophy and science, Spirituality Matters provides information and tools to assist spiritual seekers in growth and benefits such an awareness of eternal life.