
Amy Thinks Deep

philosophy for the curious soul 

Blog posts : "soul"

The Soul Prism and Existence Fractal: Part 2

Last week, I posted a blog, but only building the premise for the main idea that I wanted to present. With it already being lengthy and going into a good bit of depth, I ended up splitting the idea in…

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The Soul Prism and Existence Fractal: Part 1

Let's talk about the layers of the Soul and the how each soul is the manifested expression of the Source. For the last year, I have been studying a complex organism called the Self and how it is l…

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Epigenetics, Elements and Miasms: Factors Influencing Your Becoming

What makes up the person, the very being, of who you are? Have you ever thought about all the dynamics at play that make your body, your heart, your mind, and your soul? And also, what about those cru…

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Eternity vs. Forever vs. Infinity

Most people conceive of forever as being synonymous with infinity and I won't argue. However, eternity and infinity are little more separated in definition and doesn't quite exude the same depth of a …

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Consciousness, Subconsciousness, and Superconsciousness: Their Interplaying Roles

Science tells us that we have three parts to ourselves: consciousness, subconsciousness, and superconsciousness. Likewise, we are aware of mental, emotional, and spiritual qualities that make up a per…

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The Deeper Thermodynamic Meaning of Energy

In this essay, I outline and examine the three laws of thermodynamics in relation to spiritual life. The three known laws of thermodynamics are:

  1. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
  2. The ent…

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