
Amy Thinks Deep

philosophy for the curious soul 

The Soul Prism and Existence Fractal: Part 2

Last week, I posted a blog, but only building the premise for the main idea that I wanted to present. With it already being lengthy and going into a good bit of depth, I ended up splitting the idea into two parts. This is Part 2.

To recap Part 1, we take a linear model to structure the compartments of the Soul. We think of and "order" these different aspects of Soul according to a linear progression, which vary from a very individual nature, to our societal incarnation, to metaphysical selves, to the self-shared Higher Self, to a Soul Pod, to Great Soul, to Oversoul, to Source. These progressions up the ladder eventually include all beings as "Self". However, this is only the linear view/understanding. Part 2 will show us how the Self is all of these beings (upwards and downwards) at once.

Part 2

"I am You. And You are Me. And We are We" as JJ says.

When I outline the different levels and dimensions of our Soul, I tend to think about it linearly, and perhaps, in that sense it is a linear concept. However, it is also a non-linear concept, in that everything is connected, all at once. I envision everything in the multi-dimensional concept I painted in Part 1 more as a spherical web, where the central Nucleus is expressing Itself at different levels of manifestation, but every level and manifestation is connected to each other, not bound by time.

This picture paints a more connected immersion between the dimensions and also includes the presumptive ability of the Source to manifest itself in its own "bubble" form. Source blows a bubble, breathes life into this bubble, and everyone plays a part of identifying, connecting, and expressing the home Source fiber, which is Light based. All of our soulmates and soul bonds also defend this shared identity of Source. Our shared Source Soul is the one blowing the bubble of our existence.

Likewise, we share this bubble with the other selves of Us, who are called Higher Selves, Great Soul, or Oversoul and all of their subsequent manifestations. We all share this fabric of identity as the bubble. Everything in the bubble is our foundation of who we are now, how we grow, who we are becoming, and the destination: the past, present, future, beginning, and end for every incarnation, guide, astral body, galactic identity, and so forth. It is all included in this web of Self.

This takes me back to the title of this series, which is based metaphorically around light. We may see one, single, white ray of light, but when it travels through a Prism, photons disperse into separate colors and we call it a rainbow, otherwise known as the spectrum of ROYGBIV. Likewise, as a Soul, the Source passes through its prism (aka quantum holographic bubble), and its photons disperse into all the different aspects of our Oversoul. The Oversoul light passes through its prism and disperses its photons into the Great Soul. And it continues. Thus we see fractal aspects of the Self.

But there aren't layers to a sphere, are there? Or is there? As holographic energetic impressions expressed from the Source, each projection is a shining light. Metaphorically, it passes through a prism of dissection of its light, whereby all its Light is equally the same essence, uniformly expressed in different soul expressions. 

We are all connected with the Whole/Source/Eternity. The prime word of this Part 2 is "expression", which is the key we have to connect with any other part of our Soul. When we are expressive, we are allowing the Flow of the Universe in all its Self forms/layers/dimensions to flow through us, in our being. We are embued with our very Great Soul's integrity when we express our true nature.

We also see this Light in others when they shine their fractal of existence, who their soul is and how they feel led to express their connection with the Light. We see the same Light that we are made of within others who make up the other part of the spherical web. Not many other dimensions have the opportunity of expression, to shine their Light forth where they meet others with the same Light. This 3rd dimensional opportunity is special in that we are able to see a different fractal expression of our same Light. When we start gathering the "Light pieces" - seeing/remembering our Light in others - we can start to realize that it is one gigantic web of the expression of Source.



If this aspect of soul journeying and becoming interests you, come join Soul Connexion, a Discord server for those living the soul journey. We welcome those who identify with the soul journey of soulmates, twin flames, empaths, lightworkers, shadow workers, energy workers, starseeds, plural souls, and more.

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