
Amy Thinks Deep

philosophy for the curious soul 

The Soul Prism and Existence Fractal: Part 1

Let's talk about the layers of the Soul and the how each soul is the manifested expression of the Source. For the last year, I have been studying a complex organism called the Self and how it is layered from our 3rd, physical dimension upwards into a spiritual, collective Soul. We are talking layers of metaphysical reality here.

Without diving into dimensional work specifically, we can still sense a progression of difference as we go higher and higher up the Self scale. With each progression, we find more inclusivity of familiar beings, which we usually call guides, higher self, oversoul, soul family, and even collective consciousness. This is a big system-web of Self divided and expressed into multiple forms of identity/consciousness, whether shared between expressions or individual nature.

Part 1

In the last century or so, we have been unpacking a metaphysical layer where we identify our 4th dimension self expressing the etheric, astral, and mental selves. As for our existence as we've known it for all human time, we are connected on the 3rd dimension because of our interdependency with each other as a society, interplaying bio-genetics (i.e. procreation), and in other ways. In the 3rd reality, we are aware of each other and act in a web-cycle with each other to create a reality. Perhaps 1st dimension is when we manifest as alone, individual natured, where we are not connected to any greater collective, mind, culture, way of life, or anything that we deem as necessary for life to survive on this dimension.

In the opposite direction, we find more and more availability of "others" who are "us". Higher up reality facilitates the network that intertwines "us" into more complex and inclusive systems and the system organizes itself to become "I" as it includes more selves. (By system, I mean the soul, no matter the layer/dimension, yet encompassing all of them.) The Soul is a system of multiple layers that are in effect to express, become, and progress through multiple functions like incarnations, purposes, levels of awareness, and levels of being.

Most commonly, people refer to "Higher Self" which is the self but at a more integrated level that procures a reality of wisdom, love, benevolence, and more things we all dash to inspire. The Higher Self can be thought of as an integrated form of the culmination of all life expressions (incarnations). So, in its natural and beautiful essence, it knows us more intimately than we know ourself (because our awareness is limited to this life, while the Higher Self is aware of all its lives at all times). Within the Higher Self, we find a presence as the merge of all lives. It is sometimes viewed as another being, but it is the same "I" that played several lives/identities. Likewise, the Higher Self is expressing and living through the identity we are now in this lifetime. Basically, the Higher Self is an existence that disperses itself into the nature of time, including astral and physical realities.

Higher Selves are a part of a more inclusive group, which I will call a Soul Pod. Within this pod, we find familiar and especially close other-soul "relatives" that are involved in each other's soul-lives overall (not just within incarnations). This formation is a close kept bond, which is a force of self-identity through like-minded soul-culture. It is like a family system, where every Higher Self within the Soul Pod has a more individual reality, yet the Soul Pod bonds by a way of being or behaviors. Furthermore, the Soul Pod expresses itself through all its Higher Selves, which are intricately itself. By way of close knitting in this web of Soul Pod, we are able to access other pod members' Higher Selves if we desire that and can understand through such an experience that it is a faint and different degree of who we are. For example, when we make contact with a distant cousin, we can see some resemblance in their biology to which share identity. The Soul Pods can be understood in many forms: soul groups, soul families, etc. Essentially, it is group mentality and way of spiritual being.

Soul Pods come from a Great Soul, which is somewhat of a coming-together space, before all souls unite in the Oversoul expanse. While the Soul Pods focus on culture and individuation, the Great Soul focuses on a form of being. It just is. It just is itself. Some may call lower expressions of Self as "soul" in lowercase, and others may call higher existence of Self as "Soul" in uppercase. That "Soul" uppercase is relevant to the Great Soul, a collective Soul merging space, if you will. It is where Soul has its culminations, through all its presences, domains, expressions, modes of being, concerns, purposes, and everything else that denotes the Great Soul to life. Hence, why Carl Jung called it a collective consciousness. In the Great Soul, we share the presence of a Soul, as it transitions from plurality to singularity. The Great Soul collective contains every person we know and we see our interconnection at this level. In the Great Soul, we only exist and know; we may not understand. Understanding comes in a lower dimension with reason, judgment, and progress; knowing is an innate resolution without a process. It just is. When the Great Soul wanted to understand its collective Self more, it dispersed itself through various means, which we know as Soul Pods. The Great Soul is a system of being. It is one system, but not One Being. It is one Soul, but not One Soul. The merge is where we graduate between Great Soul and Oversoul.

Beyond this presence of Soul, We/I begins to merge and we don't know separation anymore. The Oversoul is introduced here, which can be understood as a layer of existence where everything is in Motion/Existence as One. Here we can see the integrative step of One Being or One Soul. Yet, it stretches the boundaries of what is a Soul. This is Soul before it became a system of parts. This is Soul before it was divided into more individual expressions. In fact, because the soul acts as the expressor of our identity and being, essentially inciting self-development on various levels, how can the Oversoul even be the essence of a Soul anymore if its foundational body is only being? Instead, the Oversoul acts as a Light, carefully distinguished from the Light Source. This is perhaps the level of being-ness that helps us differentiate Soul from Light, as they qualify to be two different purpose-bodies. Oversoul is the transitory period between self-acknowledging itself as Soul versus Source, which identifies with Light. (By the way, it is a different kind of light that doesn't qualify as visible or invisible, as that is a lower reality definition. Instead, this Light is similar to a genetic code that makes us who we are.)

Then, as predicted, we have Source, from where all Lights emit. The Source is from where all existence and all being generate from. This is complete unity, where all Light systems merge. Funny though, this is Beginning and End, where everything starts and where everything finishes. After a soul's journey, enduring many if not all reality levels, this is eternity, the final resting place, if your Oversoul so chooses. We can clearly see how this returns back to the individual/independent nature of the soul, reminiscing on the 1st dimension I spoke of earlier.

Quick recap: Higher Self is where we sense the culmination of who "I am". Soul Pods are where we sense relativity between each other. Great Soul is where we sense ourselves in each other. The Oversoul is where we cannot sense "me" from "them". And the Source is where Life emits itself into fractals of existence.

Source / Beginning and End / Eternity
Oversoul / One Being / Light Being
Great Soul / Soul Being / Collective Consciousness
Soul Pod / Soul Group / Soul Family / Guides
Higher Self  / soul / Culmination of Self
Metaphysical / Astral / Spiritual
Societal Incarnations / Interdependent Life
Individual / Independent


Stay tuned for Part 2, where I discuss how this is not a layered life, but all happening codimensionally, in progress for the Great Soul's and Oversoul's emittence of purpose through various lifetimes and expressions of Self. ;) (...or something along those lines)



If this aspect of soul journeying and becoming interests you, come join Soul Connexion, a Discord server for those living the soul journey. We welcome those who identify with the soul journey of soulmates, twin flames, empaths, lightworkers, shadow workers, energy workers, starseeds, plural souls, and more.


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