Merfolk have captured the curiosity of many human wanderers for many centuries. Our connections to mermaids are strongly rooted in feminine energies that allow intuitive abilities to flow freely. Those who have gone the journey to replace their understanding with innerstanding open their minds, with great abilities lying just beyond the horizon. Today we dive under the seas to capture a picture that says a thousand words.
~ Imagine a place of different kinds of waters, a different kind of air, and different kind of dirt. This is not the Earth you know, as it has plenty of elements that Earth does not possess. You can't exactly identify these elements because as an inhabitant of Earth, they are unknown to you. But you can feel them and know that they are mysteriously different.
~ Going underwater, you can "breathe" effortlessly, not flooded by water, as water is your natural environment. You "breathe" water like it was natural air. The water flows through you as a friend. You feel the immersion in the water on this planet. It feels clean, smooth, as if it were made of light. You notice your body swaying through the currents of the underwaters. In a sense, you are surrendered to the nature and ways of this planet, and, somewhere in the back of your awareness, you know all is one among all beings of sea. Even the water feels very much alive. You sense the energetic presence of the water and you can immediately work with it to swim through the current.
Mermaids are typically understood as mythical creatures (as are many beings from other star systems). They hold a lingering mystery in the hearts of many seekers of cosmic lifestyles. Let's dive in to what life can be like on other star systems, through the perspective of a mermaid.
Mermaids are known for living underwater, and though that is their main mode of lifestyle, the life of mermaids are so much more complex than just "living underwater". Half human, half fish, mermaids are not only physical creatures, but they can also present as etheric beings, not limited to physical worlds. In fact, as we will see later, some worlds are home to etheric mermaids.
What are etheric mermaids? The etheric body is a capsule of energy that is not submitted to physical form, but its form is based on etheric energy. Etheric bodies will have a form that is imaginable, palpable, but not biological. Without getting too complicated, its one's energy - part of the life force that leaves the body upon death. In fact, humans and other living beings also come with etheric bodies. It is our Self at a slightly higher level of density.
Mermaids also take other forms and bodies. They can be physical (3d), etheric (4d), and probably more. Of course, when we start going higher up, form exists less and less; and of course by definition, mermaid is a form just like human is a form. Some of the common questions asked among those who are in contact with them suggest a very physical inquisivity: how sexual reproduction works, what they eat to sustain their nutrition/energy, and similar questions about basic needs. The mermaid's answers heed information as to their form, which doesn't always follow physical/biological logic.
Starseeds are souls that came from other star systems to this Earth, for a mission. There are many starseeds that have recalled their existence as mermaids on other planets. These associations can be drawn from astrological birth charts (mermaids likely have plenty of water signs in their chart), quantum hypnosis regressions or past-life regressions (re-experiencing yourself as a mermaid body), intuitive guidance (i.e. visions, readings), unexplained memories, or perhaps some just have always known without any external confirmation needed. The thing that all these forms of discovery have in common is a draw to self-discovery. Whether or not each believes in divine guidance or how each believes, when we step back and look at the greater picture, starseeds - in their individual journeys - arrive at their conclusion that they identify with a greater merfolk community. (Read more about why it is important to identify with a community as "home". This sets the foundation for more meaningful self-discovery.) When a starseed is able to identify "home", a great shift in meaning occurs for their journey. Their connection to home satiates something deep within that nothing else on this Earth can satisfy.
Before going on to explore where mermaids can be found, I would like to point out how the environment they live in helps make them who they are. As beings underwater - physical or etheric - sound waves are the ultimate source of communication. However, sound travels very different through water than it does through air, as we humans are more accustomed to. In water, sound is felt more than heard, and transmits more sensitively. Therefore, intuitive abilities are more of the primary nature rather than observation. As communication is felt, beings underwater adapt to communicate in very feeling-oriented ways. Water connects beings in a different way than air connects beings, so there is more unison in water communities, which may also provide a shared sense of self in the community. There is often reports of working closely and even intuitively with other underwater life to ensure happiness, accord, and community in the waters. Life under water in mermaid communities is very sensual and peaceful.
Mer-communities have been discovered among various stars. There is/was even one here on Earth too. Here are some of the mer-communities discovered through various personal self-discovery journeys.
- Sirius B - Among the stars of Sirius, which is known as the brightest star in the sky, are Sirius A, B, and C. Sirius B is the blue water planet known to host various ocean life, including mermaids. Sirius B actually hosts both etheric and physical life for mermaids. The higher vibration of lifestyle there has inspired temples for healing, contemplation, ceremony, and the like. Remember, this is the lifestyle they have adapted for their living preferences and, therefore, this is how we usually perceive mermaids: in touch with emotional, spiritual, and healing capabilities - a very feminine ownership in the way they operate the community underwater.
Sources: spiritual-galaxy and inspirationdivination - Mintaka - Mintaka is a star we are familiar with in Orion's belt. Unfortunately, the home planet probably no longer hosts life, but there are those who have recovered memories from this time.
Source: The Starseed Awakening Podcast - Kepler 62 (in Lyra) - I have found very little research on Lyran mermaids, but Alura provides a fairly clear depiction of what seems to be physical mermaids called Fistarians. NASA confirms that there are planets orbiting this star, at least two of which could sustain life.
Source: starseedchildren and NASA - Lemuria & Atlantis - Reports of Lemurian mermaids are common as well, which existed on Earth, under our star, Sun, before the Earth evolved to where it is today. Both Lemuria and Atlantis were thriving water-contingent communities in the Earth's history before homo sapiens evolved, basically. They are sometimes described as utopian societies, where the mermaids are of higher vibrational form. As evolved, the theory is that they lowered their vibration from ethereal beings to physical beings. Reports of mermaids in this society could also transform between a water-swimming mermaid and a land-walking human.
Source: Sabriye Dubrie and The Lalantia and Katie Show - Maia - Maia is one of the seven sister stars in the cluster we know as Pleiades. Jennifer describes mermaids in these waters as "ocean fairies", where her experience is a full-on colored light show. She also describes the underwater energies being very prominent, as if it "moves with a purpose". Again, this supports the idea that energies are very transparent in water communities; feelings are more intense than we know them as humans.
Source: Metatron is Speaking - Electra & Celaeno - Electra and Celaeno are also other stars in the cluster Pleiades. While I have not found reports specifically of mermaids, the one reporter (linked below) does describe a life similar to Maia above: watery planets, water fairies, life among the shores.
Source: High Elven Wisdom and Love - Lior - Lior is reported as a planet in the galaxy of Andromeda. This report is unique and very rare because Lior mermaids are not reported in an ocean, but rather in a lake. She describes a lifestyle of telepathic communication, crystal clear water, cross-economical world, partnered, and in 7th dimension. "The water takes on our vibration and amplifies it."
Source: Metatron is Speaking
This list is not conclusive of course. There is still much more information uncovering through starseeds' awakenings. Some constant factors that resonate throughout multiple mer-communities is a) their communication style is felt rather than verbal; b) their bodies may not always be physical; c) their intentions are usually focused around healing and feelings. It seems that, as a mermaid, life revolves around intuitively generating healing vibrations in the surrounding waters, yet it is not known why they do this, but it seems to be wired in their very nature to do such.
Essentially, mermaids show us that we are able to facilitate an impact in our environment. Humans are majority water based life. The water in our bodies carries the vibration of intention. While air carries vibrations too, feelings are much more impressionable being immersed in water. Healing is the mermaid's natural gift: by implementing vibrations of healing into surrounding waters (by being healing), the quality of life in the water is also raised.
If you know of any other mermaid civilizations, please add it to the comment section below.
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