
Amy Thinks Deep

philosophy for the curious soul 

Guides Are With Us

Sometimes, recognizing our guides in our lives can be challenging. So I want to dedicate this particular blog post to revealing some of the subtle ways they work "behind the scenes" in our lives. In special hidden advances, guides help us make decisions, balance truths, heal, and live our purpose. Here are ways in how guides can show up. See if you recognize any in your own life.

Random Songs/Ideas
It may seem like thoughts randomly cross our mind; and some we latch onto and entertain. The significance of this phenomenon is because guides know what catches our attention. Because they know us quite intimately, they know where we find meaning. Songs usually carry meaning for us, and have us take a thought-trail to an adjacent path. If our guides are clever at all, they usually use information that carries an emotional catch for attention, so we may entertain the idea more.

Our intuitive nature plays a role in receiving the information guides transmit to us. Perhaps the most popular kind of communication is when we receive a hunch. Whether that hunch is telling us to do something or not do something, we can tell it is from our own guides because, like in #1, it comes to us seemingly randomly, regarding a situation. Perhaps a hunch tells us if a situation is with honest and pure intention or evil intention. This level of determination is not always determined by human value; therefore, a guide lets us know before we get ourselves into something we should not be involved with.

This method can also be overlapped with angelic communication, as many believe "angel numbers" guide them. When we see signs, it can be any symbol in the external world that comes across our path and catches our attention. When we see the symbol, sometimes we may take a second glance at it. Have you ever stopped in your tracks and just wondered why a sign is so peculiar? It makes us consider its meaning. Symbols are used in all sorts of ways to communicate between two parties; the alphabet is a compilation of language symbols, that when grouped together, it spells something significant. Likewise, guides send us signs to communicate with us. When we tap into that meaning, and feel true about it, the guides have done their job working with signs.

Guides can guide us to seek counsel or a kind of practitioner that will communicate things more bluntly. If we aren't getting a piece of guidance from our guides, they may nudge us to seek readings from other counsel. Guides seem to come through with plenty of information all in this short time of a reading. Perhaps if there is a "backup" of guidance, or the guide just wants to communicate it loves you and is on our side, guides can definitely use other people to communicate through if the door is open.

Have you ever felt incredibly loved at random? If we feel doubt or resistance to this idea, then it probably won't come through as clearly as it really is. Our guides love us and are cheering us on all the time, but we may not always feel that connection of love. Some guides can be enthralled with us, and others love out of concern. They are always sending love, but with the dynamics we have of putting up walls towards receiving love, it can hinder its communication. Guides will send "love-bombs" sometimes to push through this human-mental barrier. When we experience a "love-bomb", we will notice a subtle since of someone loving us, even if we can't identify who.

Unnatural Guidance
Sometimes we have a tug, fairly palpable and almost feeling physical it is so strong, to go to one direction rather than another. I will use Disney's Moana's call to the ocean. It called her and it wouldn't let go until she satisfied it by going. Understanding that it was very natural for Moana to stay on the island with her family, she followed some unnatural guidance and was guided into the ocean. Following unnatural guidance can feel scary, but it pays well if we follow the directions accordingly.

Technological Interruptions
If things seem glitchy, it could be a guide trying to interrupt our flow. Technological advancements are nothing new to even an ancestral guide and beings beyond physical domain can definitely interact with electromagnetic substances. Of course, any entity of energy can mess with our tech communications. Guides in particular can use tech to our advantage. It may hinder our flow, but disruption to the usual mundane flow may awaken us to listen to guidance that we need.

This is more about how guides can work with cravings to show us how to take care of ourselves. Most cravings seek physical solution, but some are soul-oriented, as I just learned. For example, there are foods that ground us and foods that can take us out of body. "Let food be thy medicine," said Hippocrates. Guides can have the power to influence our cravings, by instilling certain cravings for foods that will take us where we need to go.

Many non-physical entities will communicate in different way: without tongue, only the heart, mind, and soul is left to communicate. Telepathy is an instant communication technique that is used to communicate with family and friends on the "other side". Telepathic communication is much easier when we learn to trust our intuition and entertain a few conversations. Telepathy with guides, once recognized as a close guide, can be very beneficial and smooth out many communications.

Automatic Writing/Drawing
Sometimes guides can take the wheel and drive us to make it very apparent what the message is. In automatic writing/drawing practices, the guide can literally use our hand to write/draw a message. If we have some faith and an open mind/heart, our guides can show us some pretty neat practices and communicate with us most clearly. This can also be used by beings other than guides.

Astral Presence
When we are aware of energetic bodies, we inherently also are aware of our guides' presence around us. If we can see clairvoyantly, then sometimes we are able to construct an image of their appearance, or at least the way they want to appear. Guides hang closely to us. In fact, speaking from experience, I have three guides who appear to be above my shoulders/head area. The three of them have different spatial coordinates, and sometimes I even think of their energy as projections from the back of my mind, holographically projected upwards. Guides laugh, converse, or may even give us "that look". Guides can use this tool to ensure your guidance is swell.

Guides make sure their beloved human has the correct information, has the tools to enact the right decisions, and that we are on the right course for our lifetime. Guides act as agents from the nearby soul collective (i.e. soul family) that help us (unconsciously) remember certain contract agreements or ensure we are on the right path towards our life's mission. Guides come with a forgiving and loving energy; while mistakes can happen, they are usually the prime source of guiding inspiration and growth. Have you noticed a theme among all the passions of your lifetime?

Because they know us pretty well - some can argue that it could be better than we realize ourselves - they know and understand our needs. Guides can be gentle forces that present healing and movement towards lifetime success.



If you feel called to explore more about guides, ancestors, or angels, and our connections with them, feel free to join in the conversation at Soul Connexion! We welcome souls on a journey of self-discovery and self-growth. We also welcome other connections: soulmates, twin flames, starseeds, plural systems, lightworkers, shadow workers, empaths, and more. Join here!


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