
Amy Thinks Deep

philosophy for the curious soul 

The Energetic Process of Creation

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness." Genesis 1:1-4

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

Just in these five verses that serve as an opening to the sacred texts of spiritual covenants, there is much to be heard. Many scholars believe that these verses are metaphorical in expressing the Creation story. Some followers of its popular religion believe it literally. This essay attempts to attach principles of physics with the teachings/doctrine outlined in the verses stated above.

As previously mentioned in several essays on this website, everything with mass - material and immaterial - boils down to energy. Nothing can be created nor destroyed, as we know from the first law of thermodynamics. If the laws of thermodynamics are correct, then how does someone create a heaven and an earth? 

To seek out this truth, a view of the pre-creation era must be viewed through the lens of physics. Understanding energy and how the laws of energy make up what we call creation lends a spotlight to the process of how energy behaves. The Creation story, no matter which religion one believes, will always come back to the laws and concept of energy. 

Nonetheless, saying God created energy sounds a little bit off, doesn't it? Why? Because energy isn't created. Energy always was and always will be, because its source is outside of time. In order for energy to "create" something, it must interact with another. Here is where things get a little weird.

In the beginning was God, as many believe. Some believe that God is THE only eternal source of energy. I would like to point out that traditional Christian doctrine does not only imply God is the only Creature before Creation, but also, John chapter 1 continues to indicate a teaching that presumes Jesus, as part of the Trinity, was present before Creation. 

Regardless, John uses the word "logos," as many know, which was translated into "Word." Let's stop for a second before this gets to the English word. Greek words have a system and reputation for going deeper. Logos is a vibration. Britannica lists it as "plan," or "divine reason implicit in the cosmos." It is commonly referred to as thought, as it is the ending part of the word for many studies (i.e. archaeology, biology).

A thought that existed before creation. Let's work this puzzle backwards then. Physical matter exists when energy vibrates at the speed of light. (Hence, E=mc^2: energy simply is matter vibrating at the speed of light.) Since energy was never created, it always exists. Light is only created when energy moves - when a photon is emitted. A photon is a bundle of energy. This is how light and energy are defined and connected. So, when a photon is emitted, there is both a movement - an electrical discharge, if you will - and the presence of matter. That matter is any type of mass; and any amount of mass exhibits a gravitational field. There must have been an atom that was still, or motionless, before it would have caused a "big bang."

Ever heard of the phrase, "your thoughts have weight"? They really do. Thoughts are seemingly weightless because we don't think of them as a physical form. But we do know that thoughts possess energy. Thoughts start with little energy and as we entertain them with emotions, the energy potential gains, eventually leading to the thought holding emotional value which avalanches that energy into manifesting. At each level, the energy that was once a thought gained new momentum in density/mass, causing mass to form. This is the presence of E=mc^2. Ever notice a light thought versus a dense thought? Because of energetic awareness, we are able to sense this difference.

Now, about this "movement;" when God created the heavens and earth, he separated dimensions, thereby causing movement. He took what was energetic potential and made it become an actual movement, thereby causing the emission of light. It was actually the same process that dimensions separated and light appeared. In the same moment of  "Creation," God, as the source of energy, makes a dimension of space. Space is only known when there is an "other" present. By having an "other," one is then able to define space. Since there is now movement in space, there is now a measurement of time. (By the way, time did not exist "before" creation - eternity did, which really isn't part of time.) 

Still working backwards, what can cause energy to become non-stationary? How is energy still in the first place? Considering the laws of thermodynamics, as energy approaches a temperature of absolute zero, it literally freezes and its movement decreases. (Just for the record, there is no known record of absolute zero temperatures anywhere in the universe.) Heat is the presence of movement. Thus having no movement, there was no heat. Thus having no heat, there was no light. And thus having no presence of light, there was no movement.

Here are the verses rewritten in physics talk:
"In the beginning of time, when all movement began, the Great Source of Energy separated dimensions of spiritual and physical.
When it was dark, energy had no form nor any mass. The depths of reality revealed absolute zero darkness. The Great Source of Energy entertained the thought of creating a separation of dimensions. And the Great Source of Energy made a sound (caused vibration), 'light'. The vibration of the sound caused movement among the frozen energy, which produced time, which produced a difference, which produced heat, which produced energy, which produced light." - the physicists version of Genesis 1:1-3

Isn't it just easier to tell people, "God created the heavens and the earth"? From the physicist's version of the Bible, we understand that creation was mostly about creating movement. There was no element of mass that was created; all mass already existed in darkness. When God thought, emoted, and spoke the sound of light, there was vibration and movement, causing things to heat up. 

Well, energy is basically the ability to do work, including the potentiality of it. When God "thought," the thinking energy was potential, actual, and the motivational force which was the Great Source of Energy. Remember that part about Jesus being present before Creation. Jesus was the actual form that the "thought" took. God represents the potential, unmanifested, lightweight "thought" form. Jesus was the physical manifestation of the potential energy of thought. Spirit was the motivational "thought" form between the spiritual and the physical, thus adding energy mass with emotional value. Hence, this is why in Genesis 1 it states Spirit was hovering over the waters: Spirit, being the motivational energy a step away from manifested Creation, demonstrated by the mention of its relationship with the water, the flow element, the very thing that gives life. 

All three forms of energy exist in order: potential/thought, motivational/emotional, and actual/physical. All energy, which is carried out from Source, prepares manifestation and Creation in this way. Energy has many forms, according to its mass. As the thought gains value, it gains mass. Yet energy was always the great creator of all things due to this order and process.

"In the beginning was the energy of thought. That thought was with the Great Source of Energy. And that thought was Energy." - physicist version of John 1:1


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