
Amy Thinks Deep

philosophy for the curious soul 

First Ten Things To Do When Life Throws A Curveball

I’m sure you’ve noticed: life has thrown a few curve balls lately. Among daily and weekly tasks, some may find that the regular routine has been shaken. Truly, we must adapt. But how? 

In light of the recent changes, I have experienced (and am still experiencing) drastic lifestyle changes. Before 2020, it would have been a disaster of a change. Luckily, Spirit has provided me with some insightful tools which I have gained and would like to share publicly.

Friends, it is because of these curveballs that we grow in spiritual maturity. When life drastically changes, it is a time of consideration, reflection, and introspection. Take a moment to practice these ten steps to help achieve a different stance on these curveballs.

  1. Take a step back and relax your breath. Breathe through your nose a few times to slow down, relaxing your nervous system; then breathe through your mouth, feeling the sensations of the breath rolling across the inner membranes of your mouth. This process assists the mind to come back into the body and the present.

  2. Once your nerves have calmed, recall (or perhaps pinpoint) the incidence of transition of your lifestyle. Try to remain objective when recalling the event that recently changed your routine.

  3. As you remember the curveball incident, move your consciousness to higher levels, essentially gaining a non-ego perspective. What this entails is a forming of a belief or faith that there is a greater good from this, or recognition of a similar process.

  4. As in any scenario, the first step is to accept the new reality. Yes, this is easier said than done. However, once you realize that the mindset of resistance is actually harmful to the self, it is much more convincing to surrender regardless of your opinion of the matter. 

  5. Now you find a state of rest. After acceptance of the shift in lifestyle, you may find that you are more at peace in the middle of this chaotic transition and more accepting of the transition. Embrace this moment of beauty.

  6. Spend some time in self-reflection: the more, the better. This will allow you to get to know yourself better. Ask questions about yourself. What personality characteristics surfaced in this transition? What questions is your soul asking? Continue to remain open and objective to the feedback from your soul.

  7. This step is a very important step. Listen. Hear, see, and feel what your soul needs to know. It is in this quiet and stillness that we find the most truth. Listen. 

  8. Physical reality manifests according to its spiritual blueprint. Once you know what the soul needs to become, or what the next step is, then your spiritual GPS reroutes itself and your whole being is working towards realignment. This is a more unconscious step.

  9. Following up with daily prayer or other spiritual practice, your spirit will call to mind the information you received in that quiet place (step 7) as you realign your being back to its whole being. Recognize that it is your responsibility to continue without resistance, yet with free will, so that you may continue in peace and towards what is calling you. Who has control: ego or the Higher Being?

  10. As you follow this calling, you will notice the elimination of regret or despair. This is the result of aligning yourself with your potential. You are powerful in love and in this love you grow. 

Hopefully this readily shifts your consciousness to align with your highest self. It is by centering and listening in that center that we find truth and our potentials arise. With the power that is vested within one’s center, the soul can manage any curveball and defeat despair and questions.


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